Shopping centres

Thon Eiendom is Norway's leading shopping centre group. The group owns and manages shopping centres all over Norway - from Farsund in the south to Svalbard in the north. The portfolio includes 8 of Norway's 10 largest shopping centres based on turnover.

  • 83 shopping centres in Norway
  • 10 shopping centres in Sweden
  • Our annual retail sales of around € 7.1 billion (2021) in Norway
    and € 0,8 billion (2021) in Sweden
  • 200 million visitors at the shopping centres annually
  • Over 30 years of experience in operations and management
«We think long-term and put great emphasis on creating security for our customers and tenants.» Thomas Rønning, Property Director

Next time Norway? Talk to us!

Our largest shopping centres (in alphabetical order):